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استاندارد ها و مشخصه های اصلی الکتروموتورها

Electric Motors IEC Main Standards and Specifications



IEC  International Standard


Electrical rotating machines/rated operation and characteristic data

IEC 60034-1

EN 60034-1

Methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machines

IEC 60034-2

EN 60034-2

Protection types rotating electrical machines

IEC 60034-5

EN 60034-5

Cooling methods of rotating electrical machines

IEC 60034-6

EN 60034-6

Construction types of rotating electrical machines

IEC 60034-7

EN 60034-7

Terminal markings and direction of rotation for electrical machines

IEC 60034-8

EN 60034-8

Noise Emission, Limit values

IEC 60034-9

EN 60034-9

Start-up behavior of squirrel-cage motors at 50Hz up to 660V

IEC 60034-12

EN 60034-12

Vibration severity of rotating electrical machines

IEC 60034-14

EN 60034-14

Protection level provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against mechanical impact (Code IK)

IEC 60068-1
IEC 60068-2-75

EN 60068-1
EN 60068-2-75

Fixing dimensions and outputs for IM B3

IEC 60072

EN 60072

Fixing Dimension and Outputs for IM B5, IM B14

IEC 60072

EN 60072

Cylindrical shaft ends for electrical machines

IEC 60072

EN 60072

Electrical equipment for hazardous areas General provisions

IEC 60079-0

EN 60079-0

Electrical equipment for hazardous areas Flame-proof enclosure “db”

IEC 60079-1

EN 60079-1

Electrical equipment for hazardous areas Increased safety “e”

IEC 60079-7

EN 60079-7

Equipment with protection type “t” for use in the presence of flammable dusts

IEC 60079-31

EN 60079-31